There is so much that I want to blog about....this Christmas was amazing!
I would blog right now but I'm headed out the door to go to work....its just going to have to wait!
Monday, December 29, 2008
lots of stuff
Posted by Josiah at 1:39 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Never trust an older sister! :)
So you've probably figured out that this post involves a story guessed it.....Kelli!
So today was a long day! I actually got up around 9:30 and got ready because Kelli and I were goin to take lunch to Bethany. Bethany and I decided on Rosa's. Since she eats at about eleven, I told Kelli to be at my house at 10:30 so we could pick up the food and go take it to Bethany. Ten thirty came along and no sign of Kelli. When I called her she informed me that she was still getting ready but it was all right because Rosa's didn't open til eleven anyway. When she got to my house, we went to Rosa's and there it was on the door: open at 10:30!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, Kelli, wow!
I took Ryan lunch too, kind of his birthday lunch, and I also took my two little "sisters", Bailey and Brandi, lunch as well. It was Sonic for them.
After that, I got a little Christmas shopping done...okay I only shopped for my brother today! But my sisters are already shopped for so its okay!
I had to work tonight which made the night drag even more! I closed and got home around...well, an hour ago. So now its sleep time!
Hope everyone had a great day! Happy Friday!
Posted by Josiah at 11:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Dallas, here I come!!!!! in January
I will be out of San Angelo from January 8 through January 12. I bought my airline tickets the other day.
Just so everyone knows-
Arrival- 12:50 pm
January 12
Departure-8:35 pm
Arrival- 9:48 pm
I'm excited!!! I can't hide it! I don't know the rest of the song!
Posted by Josiah at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Last Night in San Angelo
Here are a few pictures from Jeremy's last night in San Angelo. We were having fun with my camera at Cheddar's. There are more but as you know it takes forever to upload photos.
Posted by Josiah at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Sick :(
Posted by Josiah at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The following are my grades from my first semester in college:
English Composition- A
Federal and State Government- B
Mathematics- B
Concert Chorale- A
Psychology of Adjustment- A
I am very pleased with my government grade....I'm actually surprised and very happy that I received a B cause that was seriously a hard class. Now it's time to take the second one!
Posted by Josiah at 5:03 PM 4 comments
Christmas party
So today, we are having our annual Christmas party. Know that my boss spared no expense when he booked our Christmas party... AT MR. GATTI'S!!!
Yes, again we are having our party there. It will be fun being with all my co-workers and not being at work! Everyone always comments on how nice everyone looks when they are out of uniform!
Apparently, he knows the boss person at Gatti's. Well, Bill knows everyone really, haha. But we got a party room for pretty cheap for this reason.
Anyway, signing off to go eat some pizza and play some games.
Posted by Josiah at 12:33 PM 2 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
A must see for the whole family!

Where: Solid Rock Church-1305 Koberlin St.
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Don't miss it! It's going to be good!
Posted by Josiah at 10:57 PM 1 comments
Right Here, Right Now
As I sit here writing, I am totally exhausted from the previous week. Let's take a look!
This week, I had four finals: one every day, three of them at eight in the morning and the other at two. I'm really pleased about my final grades thus far:
- Psychology of Adjustment- A
- English 1301- A
- Concert Chorale- A
- Mathematics- B
Work has been crazy lately! I am actually getting overtime this week so I can start Christmas shopping next week! :)
So yesterday, I got to spend some time with one of my best friends from high school, Reece. It was soooo good to see him since I had not seen him since before he left in August. Anyway, we went to get food and took it to Cornerstone to go eat with his sister. It was so fun catching up an hearing all his stories about being a freshman in ROTC. He didn't have any finals so he got here last week and does not have to return until January 19, so we are definitely going to hang out again before he leaves.
Like I said earlier, I am super excited about going to Dallas in January! I figured since I always have to work when my family goes up there, which is not very much anyway, that I wanted to go spend some time with Tia Yaya and Uncle Lionel! Maybe we can find something to do in the big city of Dallas! :)
Anyway, signing off now! Sleep time!:)
Posted by Josiah at 10:38 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
A week and a half
til Thanksgiving!
two weeks til six week break from school!
Posted by Josiah at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Divine Romance
So I really love this song called Divine Romance by Phil Wickham. Its not a new song but we started singing it at Chapter One and I love the lyrics. I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do.
The fullness of Your grace is here with me
The richness of Your beauty’s all I see
The brightness of Your glory has arrived
In Your presence God, I’m completely satisfied
For You I sing I dance
Rejoice in this divine romance
Lift my heart and my hands
To show my love, to show my love
A deep deep flood, an Ocean flows from You
Of deep deep love, yeah it’s filling up the room
Your innocent blood, has washed my guilty life
In Your presence God I’m completely satisfied
Posted by Josiah at 11:08 PM 1 comments
Breathe on us again...
Remember tomorrow is election day so if you haven't already voted, go vote! Also, remember to be in prayer for those leading the nations, for the candidates running, and for our country, that God would stretch out his hand and heal this nation.
Stretch out your hand, and heal this nation.
Stretch out your hand, and bring restoration.
Let your mercy overflow us, like a never failing stream.
By the blood of Jesus cleanse us, Oh, Lord its you we seek.
Cause your face to shine upon us again.
Posted by Josiah at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Starting tomorrow, November 3, Chick-fil-A is serving a new milkshake for the holiday season for a limited time. Try it out!
Posted by Josiah at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
It's Friday
It's also the last day of the month! I have four whoppin' posts! Maybe next month will be better. Happy Friday:)
Posted by Josiah at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Wow, what a day! I sit here typing past midnight because I am finally finished with the day. So let's see.
- I got my english paper back today and I received an A. It was an informative paper on Chick-fil-A which was extremely easy. I also got an A on my first paper which was a narrative paper about Broadway. Pretty much, this class is easy for me.
- So my government teacher walks in this morning and says in a raspy voice, "Now folks, I'm not feeling well today so I have decided not to have class today." My first thought was, "Are you serious? I woke up for this?", but then it was okay because I got to go to breakfast with one of my good friends in high school who is also in that class. We had our midterm last week and honestly, I'm shooting for a B because it was pretty hard!
- Today is my dad's birthday! (Well, I guess yesterday since its already after midnight) I had to work at six so the family went to eat at five but I still had to leave early in order to arrive at work on time. Happy Birthday Dad! I love you!
- Work was insane tonight-we had a $6000 night with about a $14,000 day. I was the cashier on B-side tonight trying to keep calm because both my bagger and my headset person didn't know what they were doing. It's okay, they got yelled at..well, not really, my manager just spoke to them.
Posted by Josiah at 12:02 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A Night to Remember
Here are some pictures from our Halloween Concert on the 16th! Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Posted by Josiah at 8:48 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
It's just a jump to the left, then a step to the right!
So today I started taking tap lessons. Yeah, its way harder than it looks. One of our songs in the Spooktacular has a tap dance number in it so I am learning it along with a few other people. The dance has two single timesteps, two triple timesteps, two fly timesteps, eight shuffles and some other stuff that I don't know what its called!
I think it's going to be a very fun experience!
Posted by Josiah at 10:17 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Life is a Holiday, Old Chum :)
WHEN: October 16, 2008
WHERE: San Angelo City Auditorium
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
Be there or Be Square!
Posted by Josiah at 10:53 PM 0 comments
No hay Dios tan grande como tu
I am sitting here in the library while Kelli is finishing up some homework. I came with her because our printer was not working. This is actually my second time here today. I came this afternoon to study and do homework. I know, I know, I feel so studious! Haha:)
But really classes are going extremely well. Right now, my favorite class would have to be my Psych of Adjustment class. It's a 1303 course so there are many juniors and seniors in that class with very few freshman and sophomores. It's a really interesting class that has made me really work hard. I had to give an oral presentation on one of the biggest adjustments in my life so I gave one on the move from a private school for 13 years to ASU. My professor really liked it and I got the highest grade possible so I was happy.
Anyway, I really like college and I know its only going to get harder. Like my English professor, Dr. Serrano says, "Bring It!"
Posted by Josiah at 10:45 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
its 10:15 a.m.
and I'm home from school! I love college life!
Posted by Josiah at 10:14 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts.
I haven't been on in over a month. Seems like there's so much to do and when there's not I cannot think of anything blog worthy. So many things have happened since August 5, and so here's a little update on my life!
- I got a car! Actually, I got the Sunfire cause Kelli got a Camry which is really nice! But I really enjoy having a car! Talk about those gas prices, though! haha:)
- I started college on August 25. Honestly, I was really nervous the night before. Even though I knew where to park and how to get to all my classes, I was afraid SOMETHING would go wrong. It did not, though! I have really good professors. Right now, I am taking Math, English, Government, Psych of Adjustment, and Choir. My favorite class is Psychology! It's really interesting. I really like college life, and yes, Bethany recently recently introduced me to the white chocolate mocha!
- Choir is amazingly fun! Our first concert, the ASU Spooktacular, is on October 16 at the City Auditorium. The music and choreography is really fun. We are singing selections from Cabaret, Young Frankenstein, Dracula the Musical, and Clue, the off-broadway musical. It is sure to be great fun!
Posted by Josiah at 9:08 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
New Car!
Well, I wish I could say that I got a new car, but I didn't! Bethany did!
It's really nice! You should see it!
By the way, I am looking for a car for college!
Posted by Josiah at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Cuts! not cool!
So lately I have been cutting myself at work on the weirdest things! It's crazy cause I have no idea how I do it. For example, the week before last, I cut myself on a piece of ice! Yesterday, I cut myself on a fry basket while trying to dump the fries into the fry basket. Today, I cut myself on the counter! I mean, really, how does one cut himself on the counter? Hmm, I know it sounds minor but I just can't work like this!
Posted by Josiah at 11:12 PM 1 comments
La, La, La
So yesterday I got a letter in the mail from the ASU Choral Department saying that I had received a $500 Choral Scholarship! :) So I guess maybe being related to the "office princess" is a good thing! Only a few more weeks still school starts! :)
Posted by Josiah at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Yet Another Night
As you've probably already read on Bethany's blog, we decided to stay another night in San Antonio. I laugh because my siblings and I were already on our way back to San Angelo when I got the call wondering if we wanted to turn around and stay another night.
My mother, Kelli, and I are leavin super early tomorrow. Kelli has a test at noon and I have to work at 2:30. Dad, Bethany, and Ryan are staying to go car shopping for Bethany! My dad and I were laughing because initially this trip was only supposed to be three nights and it turned to five nights. :)
But these past five days have been very relaxing! Back to work tomorrow:(
Posted by Josiah at 9:06 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
More Fun in San Antonio!!
So today was a very lazy day! We got up for lunch at Mi Tierra. After lunch, we came back with to the hotel room and slept some more. We went to the North Star Mall about 3:30 and we stayed til about 7. We got some serious shopping done! Haha! We ate dinner at Tom's Ribs and it was absolutely delicious. We went car shopping for Bethany and then to Starbucks and here I am now. Here are some more pictures!!
Posted by Josiah at 11:10 PM 2 comments
Fun in San Antonio
These are some pictures from our trip to the Riverwalk in San Antonio. Enjoy!
Posted by Josiah at 10:58 PM 1 comments
Its August!
I really cannot believe that it is already August! I start college in 23 days! Woo Hoo!
Posted by Josiah at 10:57 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Day 1 in San Antonio
So today my family and I traveled to San Antonio for my parents annual music convention. Tonight we ate at the Rivercenter Mall food court and walked down the riverwalk a little as well. I'm excited about the rest of the week! I love San Antonio. Its amazing!
Posted by Josiah at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
You Know You Work at San Angelo Chick-fil-A because...
So these probably won't make sense to you, cause you don't work there! So just read these and laugh and what you're probably not going to get!
You Know You Work at SA Town CFA because:
1. You begin using the phrase "my pleasure" even outside of work.
2. You know exactly how to count back change. THE RIGHT WAY.
3. The phrases "Walk-up, school bus, you're on till, full-time, park, and the call-in's here" make you sad.
4. The phrases "full nugget count, no orders, setting out and rotating done, and it's TEN!" make you happy.
5. Having setting out and rotating, tea, lemonade, and now fruit cups done by 2pm is your greatest and most satisfying task ever. Especially when you even get done with fileting before 5.
6. You work so hard that you forget you were even supposed to take a break. Even though it's only twenty minutes anyway.
7. Pulling out, cleaning your table, one cleaned henny, and rotating the second time is the second most satisfying task.
8. You like telling the customers to "come on down."
9. You are beyond happy to not have to ask, what size, would you like to value size, 8 or 12 pack, 4 or 6 pack, 3 or 4 count, what to drink with that, what else, and how many.
10. Month after month continues to break the records of the month before.
11. You know what "they're going down, drop the henny's, A-Side, B-Side, Walk-up, Park, back, boards, pull out, It's Wednesday, it's Saturday, and I need a runner" mean, and they are of some significance to you.
12. When you hear that "Bill's here!", you jump and get ice, lemonade, tea, stock sauce, and rub holes in the counter.
13. You cannot count the number of times you have heard, "Charge them double!", "Good Night Irene", "Give me a Five!" and "Everybody up to the front!"
14. You're old school if you remember farkling was the only way to settle ANY conflict.
15. Sprite on A-side! makes you giggle and then try to look and see for yourself.
16. Holding on 6 nuggets makes you want to laugh and scream at the same time.
17. You go through so many customers a day that sometimes you ask one customer if they want ketchup, mayonnaise, or sauce two or three times.
18. CLM days make you want to cry.
19. When someone says "whoa, 1700 dollar hour, you either say YEAH! I felt it. OR Wow, we actually had enough people."
20. You hate having to wait on keys.
Posted by Josiah at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Cow Appreciation Day
When: July 11, 2008
Where: Chick-fil-A of Sherwood Way
Time: All day
Attire: Cow!
If you go to Chick-fil-A on July 11 dressed fully as a cow, you will get a free combo! You can be as creative as you want such as white sweats with dark sharpie circles or a trashbag. If you only wear "cow" as an accessory, you get a free entree. An accessory can be a purse, hat, anything that you wear that kind of resembles a cow. It's going to be alot of fun for the whole family!
Posted by Josiah at 12:05 AM 1 comments
its hilarious!
So I think that its hilarious that bethany always thinks its a contest between she and my dad how many posts they have. Bethany already has eight posts...geez!
go watch the video of my dad boxing on the wii here.
Posted by Josiah at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
On Sunday morning, we had baptisms at church. Ryan, Micah, Hannah, Kandra, and Vianey got baptized. On Sunday Evening, we accepted them as junior members. Sister Gray also became a member of our church! Here are a few pictures of Sunday.
Posted by Josiah at 8:19 PM 2 comments
The new best thing at the Hernandez household!
So my brother got a Wii! Its really fun but its way harder than it looks! It's really cool cause you can create the players to look like yourself. Here's a picture of me and my brother playing tennis! Notice how serious he is when he plays! He beat me, by the way, but only cause he has played before today, unlike me. One day, I will prevail!
Posted by Josiah at 8:05 PM 3 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
Cast Picture!
This is a picture of the whole High School Musical Cast! I am on the far right in "Ryan Evans" outfit! (Click to Enlarge!)
Posted by Josiah at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Deep in the Heart
Deep in the Heart is the musical that San Angelo Broadway Academy showed this past weekend. It was an amazing and original work out of Dallas, Texas for an international youth theater program over there called Kids Who Care.
This musical really does not really have a story behind it, but its really just a bunch of monologues about the history of San Angelo, Texas and West Texas in general.
My favorite part of the work is the music! The music is amazing! My favorite would have to be a song called "Saragosa". As many of you know, the town of Saragosa, Texas was completely wiped out by a twister many years ago. They portray this scene in the musical. Three kids sing this song from the grave! It really is creepy but its so powerful!
It was an amazing play and I was glad I got to be a part of it!
Posted by Josiah at 8:58 AM 0 comments
The Lettuce is Dry!
Amazingly I am really good at a process at Chick-fil-A called drying lettuce. It is actually harder than it sounds. Julia or Liliana usually soak the lettuce in big buckets overnight in the refrigerator. Drying the lettuce is extremely fun and hard. You put the lettuce, not too much at a time, in this orange bucket with a handle on the lid. When you put the lid on, you start to spin faster and faster. This process takes all of the water off the lettuce, slowly! Usually one has to spin about five times before the lettuce in the bucket is dry according to standards. The other day, I finished four buckets of lettuce in an hour! I was so excited cause it was only my second time and usually it takes forever! So now you know, I'm good at drying lettuce!
Posted by Josiah at 8:52 AM 2 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
New Phone!
As most of you know, Bethany got a new phone. Her old phone really needed to be replaced, it wouldn't even close. I got a new phone that day as well, the rumor!
I absolutely love it!
Posted by Josiah at 11:35 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
This feeling's like no other...I want you to know!
On May 16-18, my cast performed our weekend run of Disney's High School Musical. As most of you know, I played the part of Ryan Evans, the fabulous and lovable twin brother of Sharpay Evans. In the musical, the Evans twins act as antagonists in the story. Because my co-star, Claire and I had a prior engagement the next weekend, the directors decided to double cast the leads so "Cast B" came in the next weekend. Here are a few pictures of the cast the first weekend. These are just pictures that I took but I should be getting a CD of some by a professional photographer. Enjoy!
The fabulous Evans twins, Sharpay and Ryan (Don't we look related?)
Posted by Josiah at 3:37 PM 1 comments