Wednesday, August 22, 2007

the last night

There is this song that I absolutely love. It's called The Last Night and it was made popular by the band Skillet.

The song talks about a girl who is in a lot of pain and is thinking about committing suicide. She didn't see any point in life. This is where the male vocal comes in. He is portraying Jesus and telling her that he will always be there for her, even ifnobody else is there. He tells her "This is the Last Night you spend alone."

It's kind of hard to explain but follow this link and you can hear it.

Here are the song lyrics:

You come to me with your scars on your wrist
You tell me this will be the last night feeling like this
I just came to say goodbye
I didn't want you to see me cry,
I'm fine
But I know it's a lie

This is the last night you'll spend alone
Look me in the eyes so I know you know
I'm everywhere you want me to be
The last night you'll spend alone I'll wrap you in my arms and I won't let go
I'm everything You need me to be

Your parents say everything is your fault
But they don't know you like I know you they don't know you at all
I'm so sick of when they say
It's just a phase, you'll be o.k. you're fine

But I know it's a lie

(Repeat Chorus)

The night is so long when everything's wrong
If you give me your hand
I will help you hold on

(Repeat Chorus)

I won't let you say goodbye
And I'll be your reason why

The last night away from me
Away from me

Saturday, August 18, 2007

school thus far

This week Cornerstone started school on Wednesday so I had to say goodbye to summer quicker than I wanted. I am Senior this year so I got to wear our cool Senior shirt and jeans this week because we had the opportunity to help little kids get to the playground or help them with their school supplies. It was fun, especially on Friday when it was raining, but there we were with our umbrellas telling kids, "You can stand under my umbrella!"

This year, I am taking Bible and English both with Mrs. Anderson, Orchestra and ACT Prep with Mrs. Wyatt and Mrs. Duncan, Art with Mrs. Griffin, Physics with Mr. Roe, US History with Mrs. Chandler (formerly Pickett), and I also have a couple of study halls.

Bible with Mrs. Anderson is really interesting. I have a feeling that I am going to love that class. I am currently reading a book for her class called In His Steps and it is a phenomenal book which is really hard to put down. We are doing a journal for her class everyday in which we write the quote of the day and what it means to us, five prayer requests, five praises, and five services. If you ever need me to pray for anything, tell something great that happened to you, or just want something done for you, tell me and I would be glad to listen.

Here are some pictures from the first week of school. Enjoy! And just in case I don't update this week, everyone have a phenomenal week:)

Sunday, August 12, 2007


One of the things I love is eating with the church family after church on Sunday night. Today, we went to IHOP and it was yummy!!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

just wanting to go back...

I had an amazing week this week. It was awesome just being in the presence of God with 14,000 other students. It was amazing!

Here are a few pictures from the services. These were held in the RCA Dome. Unfortunately, my camera was being stupid and stopped zooming so all of my pictures are from far away. I hope you enjoy them still.
I also got to meet one of my favorite all-time bands, Superchic[k]!!!

I am looking forward to Charlotte, North Carolina for "Char'08"


we both have ten posts for august!. whats wrong with this picture?? Oh my gosh, we're starting school this week!

just wanting to come home

The time is currently 10:25 am and my dad and I are in the food court of the Chicago O'Hare Airport. Our plane leaves at 12:15 so we don't have to be at the gate til 11:30. We fly into DFW at 2:35 and leave at 4:35. Then we come home at 5:30!!! I much dislike layovers and I miss everyone so much. My current status: just wanting to come home. I will see some of ya'll tonight and the rest tomorrow at church. Bye!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Feliz Cumpleanos

Happy Birthday Cheli!

For those who don't know, Cheli is 24 today so wish her happy birthday next time you see her!!!

Cheli, I am so glad that you're my cousin and I hope that God richly blesses you. Thanks for being such a godly influence. I love you, cousin! Happy Birthday!

I'm sad

Today was my last day. I am leaving in the morning for San Angelo and I am sad. Don't get me wrong, I miss everyone like crazy, but I wish I could stay one more night. On the other hand, I am so ready to get home and see everybody cause like I said, I miss everyone like crazy.

Today, I got to see Superchic[k] in concert. It was so awesome, they are really good in concert. After the concert, I stood in line for 45 minutes-1 hour to get an autograph and pictures. Believe me, they will be on here in a couple of days.

Hope everyone had a good week!!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

bright and morning star, the great i am you are

this is some of the lyrics of one of the songs that was sung tonight. If there is one thing I love about any kind of youth convention, its the praise and worship. It was an awesome time in the Lord and I learned alot of new songs.

I learned today that I received a Superior rating on my solo. My thoughts? I am glad to be done, and plus its still 1,000 scholarship so I am happy.

Jared Rodriguez, from Bethel, received a Superior with Honors and a callback so next time you see him, congratulate him.

It's been a long day. I ate at TGI Fridays today and it was yummy.

I can't wait to come back home because I miss everyone profusely (yes I know what that means) and tomorrow I get to see

in concert so I am excited! Love ya'll!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


more week of summer...come back summer, you went by too fast

oh how precious is the flow

day 2-

Today I performed my solo. I was scheduled to sing at 4:12 but ended up singing about 4:20 because they were behind a little.

I woke up at 9:15 today and I got ready to go to the convention center. I found my room and walked around the exhibits and picked up freebies like a beach ball, numerous pens, alot of brochures and candy, and I even entered in to win a Wii and an iPhone.

I ate lunch with my dad at McDonalds. We only waited in line for 45 minutes to order. At 1:22, I went to watch Gabrielle Munoz from Waxahachie do her short sermon. After she did her presentation, Jared Rodriguez from Bethel did his and it was very good! I just walked around until 3:30 and then I went to my room to wait cause I was bored.

I ate Chick-fil-A today for supper, and it wasn't the same as mine. Also, the water tasted weird so the tea isn't very good. But my dad and I went to our separate services then came to the hotel. We decided to go to Waffle House (right next door) cause I was hungry and he was too.

And now, I'm sitting here in the hotel telling you about my day. Hope everyone's week is going well!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

live from indy '07

day 1-

My dad and I arrived safely in Indianapolis about 3:50 this afternoon. It was a crazy day, let me tell you about it. I woke up this morning about 4:40 am and went to the airport. We boarded the plane at 6:15 and took off at 7:10. By the time we got to the runway, I was seriously freaking out. I kept asking my dad, "So, we're just gonna start going up anytime now?" Once we started going up, I knew that it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Anyway, we arrived at DFW and shortly boarded for St. Louis. This flight was my favorite because we had a bigger plane and I didn't feel so cramped. Anyway, we got to St. Louis at 11:30 am and decided we needed to eat something quick because our next plane (to Indianapolis) left at 1:00. As we arrived we noticed that the plane was running late. The time changed to 1:10 and then later changed again to 1:30. But we didn't board the plane til about 1:35. Way late!

We got to Indianapolis and waited about ten minutes for our luggage and then off we went to the hotel. We were at the hotel for about ten minutes and then left for the convedntion center so I could register. My dad also had a meeting at 6:00. We did not get done registering me til 6:15 after which we rushed across the street where my dad was "late" for his meeting. I was gonna wait for him to finish so we could get someting to eat together. He called me at 6:30 and said the meeting wouldn't be over til 8, so I went to the mall.

My dad and I ate at
and it was super good! So yes, we had a full day. Thanks for reading about my day,

Sunday, August 5, 2007

indianapolis, here i come

On Tuesday, my dad and I leave for Indianapolis for the National Fine Arts Festival and General Council. We fly out at 7:10 am and arrive at DFW AT 10:10 am. We fly out of DFW at 9:50 am and arrive in St. Louis at 11:30 am. We leave St. Louis at 1:00 pm and arrive in Indianapolis at 3:10 pm. So we are taking three flights both going up there and coming back down, but on our way back we stop in Chicago instead St. Louis.

I have never ridden in a plane before so I am a bit nervous about the experience but from what most people told me it won't be bad.

I am super excited about the trip. I love just being able to walk around seeing so many teenagers who are in the halls rehearsing a human video or just rehearsing wherever they can find a corner. i am probably going to sing on Wednesday so pray for me that day that I'm not too nervous.

Anyway, when I get back, I'll post alot of pictures so you can see. Have a great week everybody!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

my sister-I RUV YOU!!!!

This week I bought Season Two of my sister's favorite show, The Cosby Show. Actually, one of the reasons I bought the season was because I knew my sister has wanted it since it came out. It was kind of a way to say thank you because she has done alot for me this summer. My parents traveled a couple of times this summer weeks at a time, and Bethany made sure I got to work, got back from work, and took me places I needed to go.

So, Bethany, thank you. Your work is not in vain (in the Lord, be ye steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord) and I hope you enjoy Season Two.