Saturday, August 18, 2007

school thus far

This week Cornerstone started school on Wednesday so I had to say goodbye to summer quicker than I wanted. I am Senior this year so I got to wear our cool Senior shirt and jeans this week because we had the opportunity to help little kids get to the playground or help them with their school supplies. It was fun, especially on Friday when it was raining, but there we were with our umbrellas telling kids, "You can stand under my umbrella!"

This year, I am taking Bible and English both with Mrs. Anderson, Orchestra and ACT Prep with Mrs. Wyatt and Mrs. Duncan, Art with Mrs. Griffin, Physics with Mr. Roe, US History with Mrs. Chandler (formerly Pickett), and I also have a couple of study halls.

Bible with Mrs. Anderson is really interesting. I have a feeling that I am going to love that class. I am currently reading a book for her class called In His Steps and it is a phenomenal book which is really hard to put down. We are doing a journal for her class everyday in which we write the quote of the day and what it means to us, five prayer requests, five praises, and five services. If you ever need me to pray for anything, tell something great that happened to you, or just want something done for you, tell me and I would be glad to listen.

Here are some pictures from the first week of school. Enjoy! And just in case I don't update this week, everyone have a phenomenal week:)


Bethany Hernandez said...

joey, i realize that going to school and work takes a lot out of you. you go to school, go to work, and then go home and do homework....BUT UPDATE ALREADY!

that is all, thank you.