Thursday, August 9, 2007

bright and morning star, the great i am you are

this is some of the lyrics of one of the songs that was sung tonight. If there is one thing I love about any kind of youth convention, its the praise and worship. It was an awesome time in the Lord and I learned alot of new songs.

I learned today that I received a Superior rating on my solo. My thoughts? I am glad to be done, and plus its still 1,000 scholarship so I am happy.

Jared Rodriguez, from Bethel, received a Superior with Honors and a callback so next time you see him, congratulate him.

It's been a long day. I ate at TGI Fridays today and it was yummy.

I can't wait to come back home because I miss everyone profusely (yes I know what that means) and tomorrow I get to see

in concert so I am excited! Love ya'll!