Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Lettuce is Dry!

Amazingly I am really good at a process at Chick-fil-A called drying lettuce. It is actually harder than it sounds. Julia or Liliana usually soak the lettuce in big buckets overnight in the refrigerator. Drying the lettuce is extremely fun and hard. You put the lettuce, not too much at a time, in this orange bucket with a handle on the lid. When you put the lid on, you start to spin faster and faster. This process takes all of the water off the lettuce, slowly! Usually one has to spin about five times before the lettuce in the bucket is dry according to standards. The other day, I finished four buckets of lettuce in an hour! I was so excited cause it was only my second time and usually it takes forever! So now you know, I'm good at drying lettuce!

2 comments: said...

Remember Joey this training will serve you well in the future. Your training is going well grasshopper. Let me know when you learn the secret recipe. Have you been able to fry up the chicken yet?

Josiah said...

Yes! Actually several times before! I just got off work a minute ago and cooking was my job! It's so fun!