Sunday, June 29, 2008

Deep in the Heart

Deep in the Heart is the musical that San Angelo Broadway Academy showed this past weekend. It was an amazing and original work out of Dallas, Texas for an international youth theater program over there called Kids Who Care.

This musical really does not really have a story behind it, but its really just a bunch of monologues about the history of San Angelo, Texas and West Texas in general.

My favorite part of the work is the music! The music is amazing! My favorite would have to be a song called "Saragosa". As many of you know, the town of Saragosa, Texas was completely wiped out by a twister many years ago. They portray this scene in the musical. Three kids sing this song from the grave! It really is creepy but its so powerful!

It was an amazing play and I was glad I got to be a part of it!