Sunday, September 14, 2008

No hay Dios tan grande como tu

I am sitting here in the library while Kelli is finishing up some homework. I came with her because our printer was not working. This is actually my second time here today. I came this afternoon to study and do homework. I know, I know, I feel so studious! Haha:)

But really classes are going extremely well. Right now, my favorite class would have to be my Psych of Adjustment class. It's a 1303 course so there are many juniors and seniors in that class with very few freshman and sophomores. It's a really interesting class that has made me really work hard. I had to give an oral presentation on one of the biggest adjustments in my life so I gave one on the move from a private school for 13 years to ASU. My professor really liked it and I got the highest grade possible so I was happy.

Anyway, I really like college and I know its only going to get harder. Like my English professor, Dr. Serrano says, "Bring It!"


lisoto said...

i love the title. so what's wrong with the printer? can it be fixed?

Josiah said...

oh it is already. thank God cause I need it!