There is so much that I want to blog about....this Christmas was amazing!
I would blog right now but I'm headed out the door to go to work....its just going to have to wait!
Monday, December 29, 2008
lots of stuff
Posted by Josiah at 1:39 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Never trust an older sister! :)
So you've probably figured out that this post involves a story guessed it.....Kelli!
So today was a long day! I actually got up around 9:30 and got ready because Kelli and I were goin to take lunch to Bethany. Bethany and I decided on Rosa's. Since she eats at about eleven, I told Kelli to be at my house at 10:30 so we could pick up the food and go take it to Bethany. Ten thirty came along and no sign of Kelli. When I called her she informed me that she was still getting ready but it was all right because Rosa's didn't open til eleven anyway. When she got to my house, we went to Rosa's and there it was on the door: open at 10:30!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, Kelli, wow!
I took Ryan lunch too, kind of his birthday lunch, and I also took my two little "sisters", Bailey and Brandi, lunch as well. It was Sonic for them.
After that, I got a little Christmas shopping done...okay I only shopped for my brother today! But my sisters are already shopped for so its okay!
I had to work tonight which made the night drag even more! I closed and got home around...well, an hour ago. So now its sleep time!
Hope everyone had a great day! Happy Friday!
Posted by Josiah at 11:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Dallas, here I come!!!!! in January
I will be out of San Angelo from January 8 through January 12. I bought my airline tickets the other day.
Just so everyone knows-
Arrival- 12:50 pm
January 12
Departure-8:35 pm
Arrival- 9:48 pm
I'm excited!!! I can't hide it! I don't know the rest of the song!
Posted by Josiah at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Last Night in San Angelo
Here are a few pictures from Jeremy's last night in San Angelo. We were having fun with my camera at Cheddar's. There are more but as you know it takes forever to upload photos.
Posted by Josiah at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Sick :(
Posted by Josiah at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The following are my grades from my first semester in college:
English Composition- A
Federal and State Government- B
Mathematics- B
Concert Chorale- A
Psychology of Adjustment- A
I am very pleased with my government grade....I'm actually surprised and very happy that I received a B cause that was seriously a hard class. Now it's time to take the second one!
Posted by Josiah at 5:03 PM 4 comments
Christmas party
So today, we are having our annual Christmas party. Know that my boss spared no expense when he booked our Christmas party... AT MR. GATTI'S!!!
Yes, again we are having our party there. It will be fun being with all my co-workers and not being at work! Everyone always comments on how nice everyone looks when they are out of uniform!
Apparently, he knows the boss person at Gatti's. Well, Bill knows everyone really, haha. But we got a party room for pretty cheap for this reason.
Anyway, signing off to go eat some pizza and play some games.
Posted by Josiah at 12:33 PM 2 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
A must see for the whole family!

Where: Solid Rock Church-1305 Koberlin St.
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Don't miss it! It's going to be good!
Posted by Josiah at 10:57 PM 1 comments
Right Here, Right Now
As I sit here writing, I am totally exhausted from the previous week. Let's take a look!
This week, I had four finals: one every day, three of them at eight in the morning and the other at two. I'm really pleased about my final grades thus far:
- Psychology of Adjustment- A
- English 1301- A
- Concert Chorale- A
- Mathematics- B
Work has been crazy lately! I am actually getting overtime this week so I can start Christmas shopping next week! :)
So yesterday, I got to spend some time with one of my best friends from high school, Reece. It was soooo good to see him since I had not seen him since before he left in August. Anyway, we went to get food and took it to Cornerstone to go eat with his sister. It was so fun catching up an hearing all his stories about being a freshman in ROTC. He didn't have any finals so he got here last week and does not have to return until January 19, so we are definitely going to hang out again before he leaves.
Like I said earlier, I am super excited about going to Dallas in January! I figured since I always have to work when my family goes up there, which is not very much anyway, that I wanted to go spend some time with Tia Yaya and Uncle Lionel! Maybe we can find something to do in the big city of Dallas! :)
Anyway, signing off now! Sleep time!:)
Posted by Josiah at 10:38 PM 2 comments