Sunday, March 1, 2009


Okay, so I know its been FOREVER since I've been on here!!!

I decided I would start fresh in March because February was a very busy month but great nonetheless.

A little update on my life:

  • I turned 19 on the 23rd of February. I woke to chocolate covered donuts and coffee. After school, Kelli treated me to KFC, and my family took me out to Ichiban that night. I also got a new phone: the Palm Centro...just like my sisters and my mom.
  • I started school!!! Umm, well that was a while ago but I never blogged. I'm taking 17 hours and I'm busy, busy, busy. I like all my classes alot though and the semester is going very smoothly so far so hopefully it will stay this way.
  • I was cast in the show Peter Pan the musical as an Italian pirate named Cecco. We've only had a few rehearsals but I'm already sore from the high powered warm ups and dances.
  • I was told recently that Cami (age 4 or 5?) wants to marry me when she gets bigger.
But really, nothing too exciting has gone on these past few months. Like I said earlier, I've been extremely busy with school but will try hard to keep up with the blogging world.

Also, I'm sure everyone who reads this is my follower on twitter. If not, send follow josiahjehu to!

Thats it for now!
