Monday, October 22, 2007

here's $20

something that we all like to hear...

today, i heard "Joey, here's $20"

Now of course there is a story behind it. There was a certain lady (sorry, no names) who wrote a hot check at Chick-fil-A. Of course, my boss made a big deal of it and posted a copy of the check and the name on the fridge with big letter saying "DON'T TAKE HER CHECK"

Well, the other day I was on breaks. This job means that I would go around to everyobody who worked five or more hours and watched their spot as they took a break. Well, it happens, that there was a guy on cash who needed a break. I said, "Fernando, go ahead and go on blake (what we call breaks at chicky)" Well, the first person I had gave me a check that matched exactly what I wasn't supposed to take. Uh-Oh. When I saw it, I was like, "Whoa". I told her it would be one moment and ran to the back where I gave it to my manager. Anyway, she lied about it, but paid with cash and she didn't get arrested, even though I said we should have called the cops. Well, today I go to work and my boss hands me a 20 and says, "Joey, it would have been 50 but she didn't get arrested." Anyway, I would have had 30 more dollars had she been arrested but oh well. I got $20.


lisoto said...

GOOD JOB, josiah!! I'm so happy you didn't get hurt, shot or slapped by that woman!!

Josiah said...

thanks, I was actually kinda nervous when I got it. But I just gave it to my boss, no bigee