Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Enough said.

Day 1 in San Antonio

So today my family and I traveled to San Antonio for my parents annual music convention. Tonight we ate at the Rivercenter Mall food court and walked down the riverwalk a little as well. I'm excited about the rest of the week! I love San Antonio. Its amazing!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Hair!

Not me! My sister, Bethany! Look everyone!

You Know You Work at San Angelo Chick-fil-A because...

So these probably won't make sense to you, cause you don't work there! So just read these and laugh and what you're probably not going to get!

You Know You Work at SA Town CFA because:

1. You begin using the phrase "my pleasure" even outside of work.

2. You know exactly how to count back change. THE RIGHT WAY.

3. The phrases "Walk-up, school bus, you're on till, full-time, park, and the call-in's here" make you sad.

4. The phrases "full nugget count, no orders, setting out and rotating done, and it's TEN!" make you happy.

5. Having setting out and rotating, tea, lemonade, and now fruit cups done by 2pm is your greatest and most satisfying task ever. Especially when you even get done with fileting before 5.

6. You work so hard that you forget you were even supposed to take a break. Even though it's only twenty minutes anyway.

7. Pulling out, cleaning your table, one cleaned henny, and rotating the second time is the second most satisfying task.

8. You like telling the customers to "come on down."

9. You are beyond happy to not have to ask, what size, would you like to value size, 8 or 12 pack, 4 or 6 pack, 3 or 4 count, what to drink with that, what else, and how many.

10. Month after month continues to break the records of the month before.

11. You know what "they're going down, drop the henny's, A-Side, B-Side, Walk-up, Park, back, boards, pull out, It's Wednesday, it's Saturday, and I need a runner" mean, and they are of some significance to you.

12. When you hear that "Bill's here!", you jump and get ice, lemonade, tea, stock sauce, and rub holes in the counter.

13. You cannot count the number of times you have heard, "Charge them double!", "Good Night Irene", "Give me a Five!" and "Everybody up to the front!"

14. You're old school if you remember farkling was the only way to settle ANY conflict.

15. Sprite on A-side! makes you giggle and then try to look and see for yourself.

16. Holding on 6 nuggets makes you want to laugh and scream at the same time.

17. You go through so many customers a day that sometimes you ask one customer if they want ketchup, mayonnaise, or sauce two or three times.

18. CLM days make you want to cry.

19. When someone says "whoa, 1700 dollar hour, you either say YEAH! I felt it. OR Wow, we actually had enough people."

20. You hate having to wait on keys.

You are the Head-not the tail!

These deep words of encouragement were spoken by sister, Kelli, to her outrageous dog, Roddick!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More Wii Pictures! Enjoy!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Cow Appreciation Day

When: July 11, 2008

Where: Chick-fil-A of Sherwood Way

Time: All day

Attire: Cow!

If you go to Chick-fil-A on July 11 dressed fully as a cow, you will get a free combo! You can be as creative as you want such as white sweats with dark sharpie circles or a trashbag. If you only wear "cow" as an accessory, you get a free entree. An accessory can be a purse, hat, anything that you wear that kind of resembles a cow. It's going to be alot of fun for the whole family!

its hilarious!

So I think that its hilarious that bethany always thinks its a contest between she and my dad how many posts they have. Bethany already has eight posts...geez!

go watch the video of my dad boxing on the wii here.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


On Sunday morning, we had baptisms at church. Ryan, Micah, Hannah, Kandra, and Vianey got baptized. On Sunday Evening, we accepted them as junior members. Sister Gray also became a member of our church! Here are a few pictures of Sunday.

Angela and Sister Gray

Seth, Micah, and me at the reception

Me and Seth! I love him!






Junior Members (minus Vianey)

The new best thing at the Hernandez household!

So my brother got a Wii! Its really fun but its way harder than it looks! It's really cool cause you can create the players to look like yourself. Here's a picture of me and my brother playing tennis! Notice how serious he is when he plays! He beat me, by the way, but only cause he has played before today, unlike me. One day, I will prevail!

It's July!

Wow! Summer is going by fast!